Who we are…


Our brief back story…

Our church was founded in 1928 right here on the same corner in Camden, SC where we sit today. While there have been many changes throughout the years, one thing has held - the gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus died for us. He was resurrected for us. He’s empowered us with his Holy Spirit. But it’s not about us. It’s about Him!


Our Purpose

Bethel Worship Center exists to be a place where people’s lives are transformed and they become catalyst for transformation in their community.

Our Vision

We envision a church of disciple making disciples who impact others with love and service that is both magnetic and contagious.

Our Values

We believe these values are instilled in us as God works in our life and these values help us transform our community. You can see a series we did on these values by clicking here. We want to be a body of people who:

Psalm 66:1-3; Hebrews 13:15

Worship is more than a time slot in a church service, it’s a posture of our heart. We express that posture together in our services through music, but everyday we want to be people who are in awe of God and who He is.

John 13:34; 1 John 2:7-8

For God so LOVED the world…. Love is what motivated Jesus Christ to do what he did for us, as Paul said, while we were still sinners. Jesus has called us to that same love. Love may require something great but the change it can bring will be great as well.

1 Peter 3:15-16; 4:8

We have the responsibility as a follower of Christ to share our faith. Listen to someone's story, share your story, share God’s story, and keep love and humility in the middle of it all. When you do this, God will show up and do what only He can do.

Mark 10:45; Philippians 2:3-4; 1 Peter 4:10

As followers of Jesus, you are gifted, and called, and set apart to use your gifts to make a difference in your family, your job, your community and His Church. Serving is not about position, it’s about posture.

Matthew 28:18-20

Very literally, what Jesus told His disciples in Matthew 28 was “As you do life, as you go, make disciples.” We don’t just want to know what Jesus taught, we want to do what Jesus called us to. It’s not about our ability, it’s about availability and his ability through us.

Matthew 23:23; Luke 12:15; 2 Corinthians 9:6-10

As followers of Christ, giving can't just be something we do, it must be a characteristic of who we are. That characteristic is generosity. Jesus called us to fight greed with generosity. We want to be generous with our time, our talents and our treasure.

What we beleive

  • God the Father is the creator of the universe and man is created in His image, with freedom of choice.

  • Because of the fall of man with the first couple, man inherited a sin nature that needs forgiveness and redemption.

  • Jesus' death and resurrection provides salvation and eternal life for all who repent and believe. We put our faith in Christ finished work on the cross, His death and resurrection. We then surrender our life to him confessing him as Lord of our life, to follow Him daily.

  • The goal of every believer is to do the will of God and become Christ-like in character. Our faith brings salvation, not our works, and that faith produces obedience.

  • The Holy Bible is the inspired Word of God to man. It is meant for application to bring transformation to our life. We aren’t to just be hearers of the word, but doers.

  • Daily prayer and Bible reading are the tools God gives us to know Him and His will. His Holy Spirit illuminates greater understanding in our life to His word.

  • The Holy Spirit fills the believer with power to witness about Jesus.

  • The gifts and fruit of the Spirit operate in the lives of believers.

  • God is active in healing the physical, emotional and spiritual wounds of His children.

  • People are stewards of God's provision for them and they should joyfully tithe into the church as well as give to other ministries as led by the Spirit.

  • Jesus will return to receive His Church and judge every man according to his personal relationship with Him.


Our Staff

BWC is not about one person or even one small group of people. If you are around our campus long enough you will hear the phrase "Team Bethel" used quite often. We do believe in the importance of leadership and realize that, as Paul instructed, there are to be elders who lead the church, those who equip the body to do the ministry. Also, teams need coaches. Here's ours:

Javin Proctor

Pastor Javin is the Lead Pastor and visionary for BWC. He is our main Sunday morning communicator. Pastor Javin is a graduate of Emmanuel University and received his Masters from Southwestern Christian University. He came to Bethel in April of 2001.

Brian Wieneke

Pastor Brian oversees Frontline Worship (music/sound), our first impression teams, and community outreach. He moved here from Nashville, TN after being involved in the Christian music industry. Pastor Brian came to Bethel in January of 2006.

Raymond Sellers

Pastor Raymond oversees the care ministries here at the church with focus on our senior adults, widows, widowers and shut-ins. He is a graduate of Holmes Bible College and came to Bethel in September of 2004.

Caleb Martin

Pastor Caleb oversees and is the primary communicator to all middle school and high school ministries. He also oversees the volunteer teams that serve our elementary students. Pastor Caleb is the director of our After School and Summer Day Camp program as well. He came to Bethel in September of 2018.

Sarah Gardner

Kelly Arledge

Sarah is the Office Manager overseeing administrative tasks for the church and Bethel Cares. She is the glue that holds us all together. Sarah came to Bethel in September of 2003.

Kelly is our Bethel Cares Preschool Director overseeing our preschool program that works with 2 years through 5 year pre-k. Kelly began this role in January of 2022.


We know that for the church to be successful, and for the Kingdom of God to advance, it takes the body, the whole, the team working together. A large percentage of what we do happens because of people who sacrifice hours to serve and help us create an environment where transformation can take place; not just on this campus but in our community as well.