End of My Rope Week 1

Sharable notes for the July 9, 2017 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

  • It's easy to have a casual spirit towards God. Our faith needs to be more than casual.
  • In desperate situations two gifts from God stand out - His presence and His power.
  • Step by step processes don't help in the storm; we need a savior.
  • Jesus taught us that when in a storm look to him and his presence, not the storm.
  • The peace Jesus gives is within so it doesn’t matter what is without.
  • It's in the storms that we can see Jesus for who He is - Lord.

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A common thread that unifies every human is the fact that we all experience storms of life. This devotional is to encourage readers that we can trust God with every detail of our lives! No matter what our circumstances are, He is our only hope and t…

A common thread that unifies every human is the fact that we all experience storms of life. This devotional is to encourage readers that we can trust God with every detail of our lives! No matter what our circumstances are, He is our only hope and true comfort!
