God Speaks Week 5
Sharable notes for the September 2, 2018 message. You can post these notes on your social platform!
- God’s word is His language of love to us because it gives us Jesus.
- Sunday's cannot be the only day of the week we expose ourselves to the word of God.
- God’s truth is living and active, it touches the heart, forgives our sins, and transforms us to a new life.
- Our DNA determines our look. Our choices will determine our life.
- God’s love is speaking to your heart today to stand up against any negative or sinful thought that is trying to guide your life and let His Word instead rule in your hearts.
- We often choose to love sin over God, but sin will always steal, always kill, always destroy.
- The church has often erred throughout history by speaking truth with no grace or grace with no truth. The gospel must be spoken with grace and truth working together.
- The Bible exists to tell us the Truth. It shows us who we are and how we got here, how everything got messed up, how we can know the answer to our problem of sin. It points to the grace of Jesus demonstrated in love on the cross, and demonstrated in power through the resurrection.
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Your relationship with God is unique, and so is the way you hear Him. When we let go of the expectations of what it’s like to listen to God and to walk with Him, we start to hear Him with more clarity. This plan inspires us to lay down our troubles and trust in Him. Start this five-day plan and be encouraged by God’s voice in your heart.