Joy Week 3
Sharable notes for the September 3, 2017 message. You can post these notes on your social platform!
- We are saved by Jesus Christ, the precious lamb of God, obtain a precious faith, and receive the precious promises of God.
- Living in God's joy is a testimony to everyone that our faith is not in our self or our situations, but in the promises of Jesus.
- The love of Jesus was demonstrated on the cross. His power was proclaimed in His resurrection.
- We need discipline to put into practice the words of God because our mind is a battlefield.
- “The mind is its own place and in itself can make a heaven of hell; a hell of heaven.” John Milton
- We are not told to fix our eyes on being perfect. We are told to fix our eyes on Christ, who is the perfecter of our faith.
- Our salvation was the joy that allowed Jesus to endure the cross.
- Choices are made every day around us, many we cannot control. There is one choice that we do control and that's to choose Jesus and live in His joy.
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The final week in the life of Jesus was no ordinary week. It was a time of bittersweet goodbyes, lavish giving, cruel betrayals and prayers that shook heaven. Experience this week, from Palm Sunday to the miraculous Resurrection, as we read through the Biblical account together. We will cheer with the crowds on Jerusalem’s streets, shout in anger at Judas and the Roman soldiers, cry with the women at the Cross, and celebrate as Resurrection morning dawns, understanding that he endured all this with joy for our salvation.