Present Day Temples Part 1
Sharable notes for the November 8, 2020 message. You can post these notes on your social platform!
Scriptures used: 2 Chronicles 7:16; 2 Corinthians 6:16; Matthew 5:13-16; 2 Chronicles 6:26-27, 40; 2 Chronicles 7:13-15; 2 Chronicles 6:32-33
There are characteristics of the Jewish temple that should be true of God's present day temples, His followers.
1 - The temple was visible. We must be visible, recognizable temples of God.
Humble yourself - It’s not up to you to humble others, it’s up to you to love them.
Seek His face - Seek God in your own personal life so that you can reflect Him publicly.
Turn from your wicked ways - Yes the world is wicked, but we can only take care of what's in us that’s not like Him.
You may not always see the difference that your presence makes in the world around you, but salt always makes the difference. We have to stay humble, seek God, and turn away from wickedness in our life so that we do not lose our saltiness.
You are a temple, strategically placed within your city to shine the light of God, to be a visible temple that attracts others to Him.
When you shine your light as a temple of the Holy Spirit, people aren’t just drawn to you, but also to your Father in Heaven.
When you throw shade at others, you’re throwing shade over your temple’s light.
Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:
What is a magnificent building or landscape that you have been to and seen before? What captivated you about it? What made it stand out?
How do you think God has called you to stand out for Him? Does that make you uncomfortable? Why or why not?
What do you think it would be like to live under the Old Covenant?
What are practical ways that you can be salt and light in the world around you?
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Vance K. Jackson leads readers in the heart transforming devotional. Let When you are in Christ, your body is the dwelling place of the Holy Ghost. Don’t grieve the Holy Spirit by contaminating your body with the lusts of the flesh. Let the Holy Spirit lead your heart and He will guide you into all truth. Give God access to your heart and He will order your steps.