January 2016 Preschool Classes
We are so excited to be doing some new things in our preschool classes starting this year. Each month our children will be hearing a truth from God's word. They will be reminded of that truth each week of the month through different stories, activities and fun times. You'll also be getting material that you can take home with you and help continue the conversation. Here's what they will be learning in January!
Each week this month, we will tell a story about something ONLY JESUS can do. Watch this video and then take a look below at each week the specific story your child will hear. As you scroll, you'll also see a few downloadable resources that you can use to help continue the conversation at home with your kids. We hope you find this helpful!
By telling these stories, we are sharing with our youngest friends the awesome power of Jesus and that He can do anything. In fact, help your children remember, there are many things only Jesus can do.
- Week 1 (Jan 3) - Jesus helps Peter and his friends catch a lot of fish after they couldn’t catch any. Luke 5:1-7
- Week 2 (Jan 10) - Jesus performs a miracle and feeds over 5000 people with just five loaves of bread and two fish. Mark 6:31-44
- Week 3 (Jan 17) - Jesus amazes the disciples when He walks on water. Matthew 14:22-33
- Week 4 (Jan 24) - Jesus shows He has power over everything when He calms the storm just by speaking to it. Matthew 8:23-27
- Week 5 (Jan 31) - Jesus performs a miracle and turns water into wine. John 2:1-11
Parent Cue Sheet to give you ideas of things to do with your children at morning time, bath time, car time, play time and cuddle time:
Our memory verse for the month and the hand motions that your children are doing each Sunday to help them remember: