February 2020 Kid's Church


All throughout the Bible, the writers of Scripture remind us that God is love. From the creation of the world to God’s relentless pursuit of us, God has shown time and again that love is most important. Even though we’ve all sinned, God loved us enough to make a way for us to have a forever relationship with Him. The Gospels are full of moments where Jesus prioritized love above all else, especially when He summed up the greatest commandment with: Love God and love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus made this real when He showed us how much God loves us by sacrificing His life for our sins.

We want to help your children with the virtue of love. That's why this month we are teaching them that love is choosing to treat others the way you want to be treated. Below you'll discover what we're talking about each week, and you'll also see a few downloadable resources that you can use to help continue the conversation at home with your kids!

Free Downloads

Parent Cue App - The Parent Cue App is designed to help every parent do something each week to help move their child toward a deeper faith and a better future.

Weekly Devotions - Downloadable devotions that you could do with your kids. (Daily devotionals for each week)

Cue Sheet - Parent Cue Sheet to give you meal time discussion ideas with your kids, morning time conversations, and other information.

You can also join our parents Facebook group to get more ideas during the week. 

This month's memory verse:
