January 2017 Preschool

This month, our preschoolers are learning Jesus is there when we need Him. Watch this video and then take a look below at each week and the specific story your child will hear. As you scroll, you'll also see a few downloadable resources that you can use to help continue the conversation at home with your kids.

It’s a new year. It’s a time to refocus our energy. It’s a time to look inward and reflect on the past and look forward to dream of the future. Do you know one person who will show up as you think about your past? Jesus. He was there. He was there when you changed jobs. He was there when you became a parent. He was there when you thought you needed Him and when you thought you didn’t. Jesus was there—ALL THE TIME.

As you look to the future, know that Jesus will be there too. He will be there when someone gets sick. He will be there when you move. He will be there when you get a new job. Jesus is the there when you need Him. And, you will always need Him.

Spend some time with Jesus this month. Open your Bible to Mark 2 and read how Jesus was there for a man who needed Him. Then, flip to Mark 3 and read how He was there for another. In Mark 4, He was there again. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus is there for people who need Him. He will be there for you too. Just ask.

We want to offer you ways to help your children remember that Jesus is God's Son. Here's what we'll be talking about each week: 

  • January 1 - Jesus heals a blind man, showing that He has the power to help. John 9:1-7
  • January 8 - Four men carry their disabled friend to Jesus because He has the power to help him.  Mark 2:1-12
  • January 15 - People bring a deaf man who can barely talk to Jesus, and He heals him. Mark 7:32-37
  • January 22 - Ten lepers ask Jesus to heal them, and He does. Luke 17:11-19
  • January 29 - Jesus calms a storm when the disciples are afraid. Matthew 8:23-27

Parent Cue Sheet to give you ideas of things to do with your children at morning time, bath time, car time, play time and cuddle time:

Cue Sheet

You can also join our parents Facebook group to get more ideas during the week. 

Our memory verse for the month and the hand motions that your children are doing each Sunday to help them remember:

Memory Verse
