May 2016 Preschool Classes

Each week this month, we will tell a story to show that we are better together! Watch this video and then take a look below at each week and the specific story your child will hear. As you scroll, you'll also see a few downloadable resources that you can use to help continue the conversation at home with your kids.

This month our preschoolers are learning that they are “Better Together.” That is to say that when we have friends with whom we can do life, we are better people. The Bible tells us that we were designed to be in relationships with others. We weren’t designed to do life by ourselves.

As you go through this month with your children, think about yourself. Who are you “doing life with?” Do you have people that can not only help you when you’re down but celebrate victories with you too? Who are you surrounding yourself with to make sure you’re not alone? If you need community then you could investigate serving here at BWC or joining a group. Great community is created when we work together for others. Because, we are better together.

We want to offer you ways to help your children remember this wonderful truth. Here's what we'll be talking about each week: 

  • Week 1 (May 1) - David and Jonathan become the best of friends and love each other. 1 Samuel 18:1-4
  • Week 2 (May 8) - David and Jonathan are so sad when they have to say goodbye to each other. 1 Samuel 20:3-42
  • Week 3 (May 15) - King David looks for anyone left in Jonathan's family so he can show kindness to them. 1 Samuel 20:14-17; 2 Samuel 9:1-13
  • Week 4 (May 22) - King David's heart is so full that He praises God in the streets with singing and instruments. 2 Samuel 6:5, 14; Psalm 149:1-5
  • Week 4 (May 29) - In a review of King David's life, we see that "Two people are better than one. They can help each other in everything they do.". Ecclesiastes 4:9

Parent Cue Sheet to give you ideas of things to do with your children at morning time, bath time, car time, play time and cuddle time:

Cue Sheet

Our memory verse for the month and the hand motions that your children are doing each Sunday to help them remember:

Memory Verse
