Movin Up Sundae!
Growing older can be scary sometimes because with it comes change. Your rising kindergartener is about to experience some change as well. They are probably going to a new school, a biiiiig new school, with a lot of other kids, many who are bigger than them. Some kids are excited about this, some are a little more hesitant.
Change happens here at church as well, and it’s time to move them up in our Morf’d Kid’s Church environment. We don’t want this to be scary for them at all. We want to help in any way we can. So on July 21st we are hosting a Movin Up Sundae Party! You can bring your child into the gym after the service on this day and let them see where they will be going very soon on Sunday mornings. We will give them a small treat (we know you have to feed them lunch, but come on, how about one day they get dessert before the meal 😁) and let them know how excited we are they are moving up.
The actual move up will be on August 4th, but make plans to ease them in on July 21st with a little help from Ice Cream.
Note: If your child cannot have ice cream, we will have something else available for them.