One Thing Notes

Sharable notes for the December 28, 2014 message. You can tweet and post these notes on your social platform!

  • There’s a lot of things we can do or should do, but there’s only one thing that we absolutely need to do for the betterment of our life.
  • The reason we don’t go through with resolutions is that we don’t take responsibility. We want a world where everything is done for us.
  • Don’t get so busy trying to order everything around you in life that you miss the one thing that’s of most importance.
  • Our one thing we need to focus on is taking responsibility for our relationship with God, our walk with Christ.
  • Being fully covered doesn’t mean we have zero responsibilities.
  • Be intentional. Be a victor not a victim. A victim blames and makes excuses. That’s not responsible.
  • It’s a lot less stressful when we let God add to our life instead of ourselves.
  • When our focus is on God, He gives us the qualities we need: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self-control.
  • See the live event from “One Thing” in Youversion for all scriptures referenced & to add to the notes.