Compelled by Love Week 5 Notes

Sharable notes for the January 25, 2015 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! (Each point is less than 140 characters!) 

  • Our culture has a celebrity mindset that exalts a few, so we say who am I? Truth is, every life has a message and matters!
  • We don’t know the story behind every name mentioned in the Bible, but we do know God used them to tell His Story!
  • A question for us is, "What is my life shouting?" Is it about myself, stuff, or Jesus?
  • Our life message, what is inside of us, will always speak louder than a brand, or an identity, we attempt to create.
  • Inner working by Jesus is a lot better than outward branding by our own efforts.
  • God is the only one who can clean the inward mess of our lives.
  • Our life speaks a message to those around us whether we realize it or not. That's why we need to ask ourselves, what's that message?
  • God is still writing the message of our life. He desires to transform our past, present, and future in His love.
  • The blood of Jesus washes the scroll of our life so that His story can be written in us for the world to see.

See the live event from “Compelled by Love” in Youversion for all scriptures referenced & to add to the notes.
