Vision 2015 Notes

Sharable notes for the January 4, 2015 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! (Each point is less than 140 characters!) 

  • God may have something new for you in 2015. Be alert and ready to take notice!
  • God wants to do a new thing for you and in you. The question is will you receive it? 
  • God is able to renew and restore things in our life. Our responsibility is to allow Him to do it. 
  • Jesus alone can transform hearts, lives and community. We are just His instruments.
  • As we go forward with the vision God gives us, we have to be in unity, not uniformity, but unity! 
  • God is calling BWC to expand and to enlarge. Will you #beapartofabiggervision and help make that happen?
  • Not only does God make all things new, but His mercies are new every morning. Cling to this promise.
  • See the live event from “Vision 2015” in Youversion for all scriptures referenced & to add to the notes.