Your Unique Life Message Notes

Sharable notes for the February 8, 2015 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! (Each point is less than 140 characters!) 

  • God can take our mess and turn it into a message, He can take our pain and turn it into purpose.
  • One of Gods promises is that there will be pain. We don't like that promise, but there is purpose in the pain. 
  • When we take the gospel and make it self-centered instead of Christ-Centered, it's no longer the gospel. 
  • The joy that helped Christ endure the cross was not the pain of the cross, but the results of what comes from enduring the pain. 
  • When we're faced with difficult situations, we find out what we really believe. 
  • Anything God does for us is meant for us to reciprocate to others. (Blessings, forgiveness, comfort, etc.) 
  • Bad things happen, accidents happen, tragedies come, terror exists, others will hurt or disappoint you, but God is there!
  • God can take your barrier and turn it to a bridge, He can turn you stumbling block into a stepping stone!
  • Our trials teach us something, show us our unique message, and help direct our calling.

An Image you can share: 

God's message to us is that He's there with us in everything, which becomes our message to the world. 

CS Lewis image.jpg

See the live event from "Your Unique Life Message" in Youversion Live for all scriptures referenced & to add to the notes.
