From Doubt to Faith

Sharable notes for the April 12, 2015 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! (Each point is less than 140 characters!)

  • Instead of remembering people for who they were, we should make it our goal to know people for who they are becoming. 
  • Our lives are raised to life because Jesus is the resurrection and the life. 
  • Thomas didn't just call Jesus Lord, he called him his Lord. He personalized who God was, which is God's desire for all of us. 
  • We all have to come to our own revelation and realization that Jesus Christ is Lord. 
  • Like Thomas, we are all called to leave the death of doubt and walk in the power of resurrection.
  • Instead of our lives being marked by faith, too often they are marked by apathy. 
  • The same patience and love that Jesus had for Thomas He has for all of us. 
  • Jesus's resurrection does what nothing else in this life can do, it changes us, frees us, calls us, strengthens us, restores us. 
  • Spiritual renewal doesn't have to just be weekly. It can be day by day through a personal relationship with Him.
  • Through His grace and mercy, Jesus gives us all a do over.

See the live event from "From Doubt to Faith" in Youversion Live for all scriptures referenced & to add to the notes.
