Take A Stand

Sharable notes for the April 26, 2015 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! (Each point is less than 140 characters!)

  • Don't focus on what you don't have or can't do when it comes to serving Jesus. Just share His love. 
  • A call to come to Jesus is a call to give your life for Jesus. We give our life to serve, but we could literally give our life. 
  • "Here I stand. I can do no other. God help me." Martin Luther 
  • Any stand we take for God should be taken with conviction, God's truth, and with grace. 
  • We can't conform Jesus and the Bible to our thoughts. Our lives must conform to the truth of His word and be transformed. 
  • Christianity is not exclusionary. It is in fact an invitation to be adopted into a family. 
  • The Church is not dependent upon man. It is dependent upon the power of God through His Holy Spirit.
  • May God help us to stand on His truth no matter what men may say.

See the live event from "Take A Stand" in Youversion Live for all scriptures referenced & to add to the notes.
