Grave Robber

Sharable notes for the April 5, 2015 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! (Each point is less than 140 characters!)

  • The church doesn’t exist to explore ancient history, to be a good works society. We exist because the tomb is empty. 
  • Jesus is the difference from all other religions and the difference maker in our life. #GraveRobber
  • As CS Lewis stated, "Jesus is either Lord of all or not Lord at all."
  • Do you believe Jesus is the Messiah? Better yet, does your life reveal you believe Jesus is the Messiah? 
  • There is no way to reverse time and change our choices, but there is hope despite our choices because we have Christ. #GraveRobber
  • Lazarus is a picture of resurrection from sin to new life. We can come into new life because Jesus defeated sin. #GraveRobber
  • Jesus was the ultimate #GraveRobber. He robbed the grave of death.
  • "Where is the victory? Where is the prize? When the grave robber comes and death finally dies!" #GraveRobber #Petra

See the live event from "Grave Robber" in Youversion Live for all scriptures referenced & to add to the notes.
