Called to Be One

Sharable notes for the July 12, 2015 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! (Each point is less than 140 characters!)

  • Our unity can point the world to Christ. That was His prayer. 
  • There is no system in this world that will offer the hope that the world needs. That hope is only found in the peace of a Savior. 
  • The unity of the church in the midst of worldly chaos is a loud proclamation of hope. 
  • The church is not meant to operate on our preferences. It is meant to operate on the word of God. 
  • The kingdom of God is not a holy site to build but a holy people to become. 
  • Why do we continue to put up walls of hostility when Christ has destroyed them? -
  • For unity to work there has to be a denying of self, which is a theme throughout Scripture. 
  • The church is meant to be diverse in person and united in purpose. 
  • Belief in Christ makes us all one family, together.
  • Are we praying for God to adjust to our agenda or are we seeking His?

See the live event from "Called to Be One" in Youversion Live for all scriptures referenced & to add to the notes.
