Rest for the Relentless

Sharable notes for the September 6, 2015 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! (Each point is less than 140 characters!)

  • Spiritual rest is more than just physical sleep. In times when our soul is restless we must turn to God's Word to find rest for our souls.
  • Running from our situations doesn't give us rest. Only God can do that. 
  • The Bible is full of promises that give us rest. 
  • In a place of need we can rest in God's promise that He is our provision. 
  • In a wilderness place you can rest in God's promise that it's only temporary.
  • In places of loneliness God can give us rest by turning those moments in to alone time with Him. 
  • Our place of rest in the troubles of this world is the words of Jesus that says He has overcome the world.