A New Reformation

Sharable notes for the October 22, 2017 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

new reformation.png
  • The church must continue to rise up in love, truth, and power and see a reformation ofhearts!
  • One of the greatest legacies of the Protestant Reformation was putting the Word of God into the hands of everybody.
  • The gospel of Jesus breaks down classism. We are all one in Christ. 
  • The Protestant Reformation began because a man actually read the Bible, lived its truth, and shared its truth. This still happens today! 
  • "The Bible is the only book written that tells us how we can live forever." Mylon Lefevre
  • Scripture only reveals that Jesus only is the way of eternal life. This comes by Faith only.
  • Racism is a sin of the heart denying the truth that we are all created “in the image of God.”
  • The love of Jesus can change a human heart. 
  • Read God's word, live God's word, and through God's word you can change the world. 

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Celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation with this 10-day reading plan from Museum of the Bible! Join us to learn about the history of the Reformation and the individuals who played a vital role in getting the Bible in the hands…

Celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation with this 10-day reading plan from Museum of the Bible! Join us to learn about the history of the Reformation and the individuals who played a vital role in getting the Bible in the hands of ordinary people.
