
Sharable notes for the December 27, 2015 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! (Each point is less than 140 characters!)

  • We are guilty of trivializing God and bringing Him to our level rather than rising to His. 
  • The church cannot afford to be anemic, powerless, or weak, but we are when we rely on our self or a person, and not the power of God. 
  • God wants to shake things until what's left is that which can't be shaken. 
  • God wants to work supernaturally in our lives. We have to be open and willing. 
  • God prepares us for what He has prepared for us. 
  • To abide in God means that God is apart of every aspect of your life. 
  • The suffering of Christ was not just the cross, it was rejection, disowning, cursing and hate. 
  • Our suffering is the opportunity to draw closer to God and to be one with Him. 
  • The thing about desire is that you are never satisfied. 