Cause the Bible Tells Me So

Sharable notes for the November 15, 2015 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! (Each point is less than 140 characters!)

  • People know the Bible exists but they know very little about it. All know it's a book, but not all realize it's a powerful revelation. 
  • The word of God is our source of true wisdom. Life is found in the wisdom of scripture. 
  • The word of God is our way to know Christ's truth and live Christ's truth. 
  • #TheBible is a masterpiece: 66 books by 40 authors over 1500 years on 3 continents with one central theme - God's redemption through Jesus.
  • The O.T. points to a savior. The Gospels show the Savior. Acts-Revelation show our calling to follow, live for & share the Savior. #TheBible
  • The proof of the gospel is a transformed life, not a perfect life, but one that is being perfected.
  • The Bible helps you understand the real Jesus, not the cultural Jesus that has been created in our image. 
  • We shouldn't be trying to shape Jesus, but allowing Jesus to shape us. This happens through His word and His Holy Spirit.
  • Because of God's word, we know there's hope in the midst of chaos.