Christ Centered in a Selfie Centered World Week 2

Sharable notes for the October 9, 2016 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! (Each point is less than 140 characters!)

  • In a world where we are more prone to fix our eyes on a screen, we need to have our eyes fixed on Jesus.
  • No matter our distance from someone we are still able to connect, but we can't forget there's nothing like actually being present.
  • The online world cannot replace the need in our life for true connectivity with others.
  • Our times of worship in church together provide an opportunity to get our eyes off of our self & our situations, and fix our eyes on Jesus.
  • We aren't going to win the world by having the perfect church, but by being the church - loving and living in harmony with others.
  • Relationships can only develop when we are actually physically present creating experiences.
  • When we fix our eyes on Jesus we die to instant gratification. God takes His time in growing us and maturing us.
  • God demonstrated His love for us and He is calling us to demonstrate our love to others as well.
  • Signs we've lost our love of Jesus: We lose joy, ability to love others, wonder of Jesus, become critical, lose compassion, self-centered.