Compelled By Love Part 3 Notes

Sharable notes for the January 11, 2015 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! (Each point is less than 140 characters!) 

  • The greatest picture of love that exists is the cross.
  • Jesus faced shame, humiliation and death to show His love, and compel us to love. 
  • When Jesus said it was finished, that meant the plan of salvation was complete. 
  • The gospel is not an old-timey term, it is the foundation for Christianity. Gospel = Good news - Jesus gave His life for ALL to be saved.
  • Our goal as believers should be to proclaim the truth of God, not twist it, change it or rebrand it.
  • The church doesn't exist for good people to be together, stay out of trouble, do good stuff. Those happen, but the goal is to share Jesus.
  • "I seek not a long life, but a full life, like you Lord Jesus." Jim Elliot
  • "When we assume people know the gospel, we assume too much." Ed Stetzer 
  • The gospel is not self-help, trying harder, being a better person. The gospel is the cross of Christ compelling us.

See the live event from “Compelled by Love” in Youversion for all scriptures referenced & to add to the notes.
