Counter Culture
Sharable notes for the June 26, 2016 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! (Each point is less than 140 characters!)
- Everyone is pointing out what the problem is in the world. Start pointing out the solution. The solution is Jesus Christ.
- As Christians we must rise up and shine the light on the solution for the world's despair. Isaiah 60:1-3
- The culture wants Christians to shut up, but Jesus has called us to stand in love.
- We are counter culture when we exhibit patience. Our patience with others could open doors to share Jesus.
- We are counter culture when we show meekness or gentleness. A gentle spirit will be respected and stand out.
- Hate, rage, fear, violence, propaganda doesn’t move people. Love does.
- We are counter culture when we're humble. The proud may rise for a moment but they are only a fleeting fad. The humble are a constant light.
- We are counter culture when we have hope, faith and love. Have a faith and hope that is never wavering and shared in love.