Destiny Week 1

Sharable notes for the April 15, 2018 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

  • God has a destiny for our lives both as individuals and as a part of His church, and as believers those two go hand in hand. 
  • Your value is not determined by others. Your value was proclaimed when Christ died on a cross for you. 
  • Our purpose in Christ is beyond just the now, it's eternal. 
  • Our purpose in Christ is bigger than ourselves. 
  • When you may see a mess in your life, God sees a masterpiece. 
  • In Christ we are rare, we are special, we are valuable and we are known. 
  • Feelings don’t determine truth. Jesus is the truth and the truth is you are created by him, loved by him, forgiven by him and transformed by him. This all becomes reality when our life is centered around Him.

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Most of us feel God calling us to something more — something specific that is uniquely  ours  to offer. When we feel the weight of that calling, we often don’t know what it is or what to do about it. ID Seminar devotional will help you to …

Most of us feel God calling us to something more — something specific that is uniquely  ours  to offer. When we feel the weight of that calling, we often don’t know what it is or what to do about it. ID Seminar devotional will help you to discover the unique life mission God has planned for you — because once you know it, you’ll have the confidence to take the next step toward your destiny.
