Dreams Week 4

Sharable notes for the February 12, 2017 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! (Each point is less than 140 characters!)

  • Every abuse, prejudice and injustice towards another person is an affront to the Truth that we are created in God’s image.
  • For every injustice, God is raising up men and women to minster to those in need. 
  • We have been allowed to have the gift of life, so we should make the most of the life we've been given.
  • A failure in life is not the end. It's just a detour to a new door being opened. 
  • If we don't believe that God is greater and that He is with us, then we will see the problems around us as impossible.
  • God is looking for people of courage who will understand who they are in Christ, understand their mission, and be willing to go forward.
  • One decision of courage can change your life.
  • Salvation is the choice that changes our destiny, on earth and in eternity.
  • The story God is writing through your life may one day be a part of the subplot of someone else's life.
  • Never stop dreaming God’s dreams to use you to impact this world with the love of Jesus
  • Live this life believing God is real and His word is true. 