Exodus From Exile Week 2
Sharable notes for the February 26, 2023 message. You can post these notes on your social platform!
Scriptures used: Romans 12:3-11; Ezra 2:68-69; Nehemiah 2:2,16-18; 3:5; 4:6; Psalm 40:6,8; Proverbs 21:3; Hosea 6:4,6; James 5:17; Galatians 6:3
Passages referenced: 2 Chronicles 36:22-23
When God calls you to something, in your obedience there may be things you will have to leave behind.
As you look through your limited perspective, the pull to do something may be real but the prospect of doing it is terrible. If in your discernment you realize this pull is from God, the only question now for yourself is am I going to be obedient?
We are one body working towards one goal with one purpose but we are many parts.
The big idea of what makes life meaningful, valuable, and purposeful is not just what we're doing but who we're doing it for.
You may feel unknown or unrecognized, but unknown people are known by God and recognized by God.
Your life is not wasted serving God, it's invested. What you're doing may not seem like a big deal, but, to God, you're a big deal and you're part of His kingdom and that's a big deal.
Ordinary people who made themselves available and obedient to an extraordinary God will see God work in extraordinary ways.
You can’t grow to be like Christ by being served. You grow to be like Christ by serving.
If you ever wonder where should I serve, start by serving in an area that matters to you.
Don't be a cop out, hold out or drop out. Go all out!
Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:
When have you been scared to obey God? Why?
Why do you think we are prone to cop out, hold out or drop out of serving God instead of going all out in serving him?
Where do you feel like you show sacrifice and service in your obedience to God?
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So often the word ‘obedience’ doesn’t draw out positive meaning. However, that is just what the Bible tells us it is. In the Bible, obedience is meant to bring freedom and joy. At its essence it is a demonstration of a life lived with God. This plan is intended to challenge our worldly definition of obedience and align our hearts and understanding to the heavenly definition.