Genesis Week 8
Sharable notes for the October 1, 2023 message. You can post these notes on your social platform!
Scriptures used: Genesis 29:10, 13-30, 32, 34-35; 30:1, 20; James 3:16; Philippians 3:12-14; Romans 9:10-12, 16; Titus 3:4-5; Revelation 4:9-11
Passages referenced: Genesis 29-30
Envy always stirs trouble. Envy is the opposite of contentment. Envy ignores the blessings it has and focuses only on what it does not have.
Whenever we try to keep producing for selfish reasons, to get what only God can give us, we will never be fulfilled.
Sometimes we’re so busy trying to get what we want we miss what God has already given us.
What you are searching for is only found in a relationship with Christ.
Going from one counterfeit god to another counterfeit god will never give you what the only true God will give you.
Finding yourself shouldn’t be the goal. The goal needs to be putting yourself in God and discovering what God has for you.
True beauty is not found in who you make yourself become but in who you become through Christ.
God doesn’t wait for you to become pure to love you, His love purifies you. God doesn’t wait for you to become strong to love you. We become strong through His love for us.
God’s unconditional love is what gives you the ability to walk beautifully before Him.
God’s love is a gift given to you to receive, not a reward you’re striving to earn.
Stop trying to earn what your soul craves and just rest in your creator. Start praising your creator and you’ll start feeling a peace in your soul.
Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:
What's the craziest thing you've ever heard of or seen someone do for love?
In what ways do you see yourself and others trying to fulfill needs in your life outside of God, or outside of letting God guide the pursuit?
Has envy ever played a part in you trying to achieve or gain certain things in your life? What was the result of pursing something out of envy?
How much time do you spend praising and thanking God? What benefits do you see when you do that?
Click the image to start a new 3 day devotion in YouVersion:
An invitation has been given to us through the victory of Jesus: the Habitation of God's presence. His heart for us is not to rescue us from life but to be transformed by His love. Join Leeland on a 3-day journey, singing with The Psalmist David, "My soul longs for the house of God, my heart and my flesh cry out to the living God."