God Speaks Week 3

Sharable notes for the August 19, 2018 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

God Speaks.png
  • “God is not silent. It is the nature of God to speak. The second person of the Trinity is called the Word.” A.W. Tozer
  • When God speaks things happen.
  • If God can set creation into order with just a few words, then why do we doubt that he is able to handle our situations?
  • Fear and worry are often our default modes, but if we believe in God and we believe His word, we should believe what we bring to Him is not impossible.
  • What began in Genesis came to fruition in Jesus, the Light of the World who becomes the light in us. 
  • God’s voice of love called us out to freedom and peace, and we have been given a commission to go show and tell the Light and Love of God revealed to us through His Son Jesus.
  • Creation is three part harmony - Father, Son, Holy Spirit. God’s music is everywhere singing out hope, joy, and love.
  • God is great because nothing is too big for him. God is great because nothing is too small for him.
  • God is speaking, are we listening? God is able, do we hear? Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word (voice) of God.

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God, our Maker, created the world in just six days out of nothing. These devotions will help you ponder the wonder of his creative work.

God, our Maker, created the world in just six days out of nothing. These devotions will help you ponder the wonder of his creative work.
