I Am Week 1

Sharable notes for the March 9, 2025 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

Scriptures used: John 4:25-26, 29, 39-42; Exodus 3:11-15; John 1:12; 8:23-28, 54-58
Scriptures referenced: John 4; Exodus 2-3

  • Jesus is the Messiah who knows us intimately, but he is also able to be known by us.

  • Jesus wants you to know him intimately and believe in him not because of what he can do for you, but because of who he is.

  • Genuine confidence doesn’t come from a better assessment of your potential, it comes from knowing more intimately your creator.

  • The more we discover who God is, then the more we discover who we are.

  • Every place in our life where we feel like we aren’t enough, He is. And that’s the point! It’s not about who we are, it’s about who he is.

  • Those entrapped and enslaved to sin often don’t even realize they are entrapped and enslaved to sin. They think, "I’m fine. I’m good enough." No you’re not!

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