The Implications of the Resurrection Week 1
Sharable notes for the April 16, 2023 message. You can post these notes on your social platform!
Scriptures used: Romans 8:11-17; 7:17-18, 20; Galatians 2:20
Through the resurrection of Christ, we do not have to be in bondage to a life of sin.
When he forgives you, he empowers you to walk in a new way.
God’s acceptance is not the reward we receive after liberating ourselves from sin. God’s acceptance is what empowers us to have victory over sin.
Jesus owed us nothing but he showed us love. Sin has done nothing for us, but Jesus has done everything. What Jesus asks in return is our love - to love him with everything and love others as he loved us.
The desires of the flesh can still coerce you but they cannot control you when you are in Christ.
“You must always be killing sin or it will be killing you.” John Owen
If you let sin stay around and you keep feeding it, eventually it’s going to want more. It doesn’t matter how good of a person you are, eventually any careless practice is going to have a bad outcome.
God’s Spirit is leading us into Christlikeness. He's teaching us to love what He loves, despise what He despises, seek what He seeks and do what He does. He’s not satisfied with anything less.
Coming to Christ is not an embrace of religion it’s a surrendering to a person. The nature of surrender is total, otherwise you’re only looking to God as a suggestion giver.
Christ gives us His righteousness, the power of God’s Spirit and relationship with the Father for our total surrender.
Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:
Have you ever received implications because of someone else's actions? Were they positive or negative implications? How was that experience?
How does it encourage you to know that Jesus' resurrection brings about positive implications for those who believe in and follow Him?
In what ways have you battled in your own power to overcome sin in your life?
What steps can you take to embrace power over sin through the resurrection in the way Paul describes in Romans 8?
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We are body, soul and spirit. Flesh is the term for our Godless nature. Have you noticed a struggle within you, between your spirit and your flesh? The apostle Paul explains this struggle in chapters 6, 7, and 8 of the Epistle to the Romans. Paul does not justify mediocrity there, but explains how to live in Jesus' victory by living in the Spirit.