In It Not Of It Week 4
Sharable notes for the October 16, 2022 message. You can post these notes on your social platform!
Scriptures used: Colossians 3:12-15; Daniel 2:47; 3:28; Daniel 4; Romans 13:1; Jeremiah 32:17
Passages referenced: James 4:10; 1 Peter 5:6; Matthew 15:8
You can’t hide from God. If God wants to speak to someone He makes a way to speak them.
God is in charge of who is in charge.
Pride has a way of causing us to be out of our minds. Pride is a false sense of control, but it’s also momentary insanity. It’s me losing my mind thinking I’m God.
How do I respond when I have a moment to be prideful? Pride and humility both speak, but they say different things.
Pride causes you to have no desire to provide for anyone or anything other than yourself.
When we think we are self made we disregard the sovereignty of God.
Pride produces a lot of fruit, but you have to do more than deal with the fruit of pride, you have to deal with the root of pride. Pride's roots start from a failure to see that blessings comes from God, and failure to understand that success (our own personal throne) is not the ultimate goal.
Worship is what we give God, the word is what He gives us. There has to be both. Don’t just take from God without giving in return, that’s selfish. Don’t just give to Him without receiving from Him, that’s empty flattery.
Turning to God just so everything in our life can be fixed is not the reason we should turn to God, but it is our only hope.
The only thing we deserve, the only thing we are owed, is the judgement of God, yet at the same time God has offered us the greatest gift of grace and mercy through Christ.
Our pride tries to make us more than we are so we get what we want. Jesus became less than who He was to be what we needed.
Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:
Have you ever been on a trip you wish you would have never had to go on? Tell about your miserable experience.
What's something you've had to learn the hard way in life that you wish you would have learned differently?
Nebuchadnezzar had to learn the hard way about pride. How has pride affected your life whether it be in subtle or obvious ways?
Do your decisions ever seem to say to God that you know better than him? Why do you think that is?
How can you begin to clothe yourself in humility?
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