Jesus Said I Am Week 4

Sharable notes for the March 4, 2018 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

I Am-4.png
  • To say He was the good Shepherd, Jesus was proclaiming that He cares for us, loves us, and was willing to die for us.
  • Trust is hard because our world is so negative. Jesus is truth that can be trusted.
  • Jesus warned us there would be trouble because we live in a dark world. Even in the trouble, we can find comfort in him.
  • Our trust can always be in Jesus, our protector, our provider, our hope, the one who will never leave us or forsake us.
  • Jesus knows us and we have the opportunity to know Him.

Click the image to start a new 7 day devotion in YouVersion:

Humans are a lot like sheep. Just like sheep, we need a shepherd to guide us on the paths of life. Jesus is our Good Shepherd. He calls us by name, leads us out of bondage, finds us when we’re lost, knows us intimately, and keeps us from harm. He no…

Humans are a lot like sheep. Just like sheep, we need a shepherd to guide us on the paths of life. Jesus is our Good Shepherd. He calls us by name, leads us out of bondage, finds us when we’re lost, knows us intimately, and keeps us from harm. He not only leads us, He loves us. Jesus laid down His life for us. Use this five-day study and explore different ways Jesus shepherds us.
