Living Upside Down Week 1

Sharable notes for the July 17, 2016 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! (Each point is less than 140 characters!) 

  • There are many moments in life that bring change. The greatest of these is when we begin to follow Jesus. 
  • There is so much around us that can make us anxious but holding Gods word close to our heart will bring security. 
  • "Jesus became real to me when I came to the end of me." Kyle Idleman. 
  • We should celebrate when someone overcomes through Jesus. We should also celebrate when someone says Jesus has always been enough. 
  • Problems often come when "me" gets in the way. 
  • "Me" likes what "me" wants to hear. 
  • We can't truly see others until we stop looking at ourselves. 
  • One person with a vision can impact multitudes with a need. 
  • God can take your trash and make beautiful music with it.
  • Just because we’re marred doesn’t mean we can’t be shaped into something beautiful.