Money Perspective Week 3

Sharable notes for the September 11, 2022 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

Scriptures used: Proverbs 3:5-10; 21:5; 2:6; 16:16; 21:20; James 1:5; Matthew 23:23
Passages referenced: Matthew 6:19-24; Psalm 90:12: Genesis 14:18-20; 28:22

  • God can give us wisdom to understand the knowledge we have in every area of our life, and that includes our finances.

  • When you plan you are being wise with your blessings to make the most of, and do the most good with, your blessings. Make a plan for your time to do the most good with the time you are blessed with. Make a plan for your talents to do the most good with the talents you are blessed with. Make a plan for your treasure to do the most good with the treasure you are blessed with.

  • Where your treasure is your heart will be also. So that means if you want to change where your heart is then you might need to change the direction of your money.

  • When you create a budget you are assuming a specific future and no-one can predict the future. So your budget is helping you to estimate and to guide, but you still have to manage.

  • Seek God in your plan, and seek God as you evaluate the working of your plan. Failing to see God‘s wisdom in your planning communicates pride in your own understanding.

  • Honor God by giving your first and your best. Not your afterthoughts.

  • Tithing is the wisdom of God. When we tithe we are implementing the wisdom of God in our plan.

  • It’s not just the tithes that honors God, it’s what you do with all of your resources. It’s what you do with everything you have, with your life, that honor’s God.

  • When you don’t use wisdom today you rob yourself tomorrow.

  • Don’t let the false sense of control you have over your finances keep you from inviting God’s wisdom in on that aspect of your life.

  • How we manage our money speaks volumes about who and whose we are.

Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:

  • Would you consider yourself a planner? What do you think of people who are planners?

  • If you were asked today how much money you spent last month, or how much money you were over/under in the month, could you answer?

  • What are your thoughts on financial planning? Does it excite you, scare you, frustrate you, etc.? Why?

  • If someone looked at your "spending" category, what kind of person would it tell them you are?

  • What can you do today to begin planning better financially for tomorrow?

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This 5-day plan will inspire, encourage, and equip readers to achieve their financial goals and be good stewards of what they have. It does more than just tell you "how to budget" book, this is the start of a comprehensive roadmap to financial freedom. Based on the book Getting Good with Money by Jessi Fearon.
