My Hope is In - Wonderful Counselor
Sharable notes for the November 7, 2021 message. You can post these notes on your social platform!
Scriptures used: 1 Peter 1:3-4; Isaiah 7:10-14; 9:6-7; Matthew 1:23; Luke 5:31-32; Hebrews 4:14-16; Psalms 62:8; James 1:5-6; 2 Corinthians 2:14-15
The root of our problem is separation from God, separation that comes from sin. Jesus Christ came to heal us at the root of our problem.
God doesn’t just change the circumstances of your life, in fact the circumstances may not change, but what God does change is you and how you respond to the circumstances.
"If you are in trouble and concerned about your situation and willing to be honest with God, you can have confidence in Him. You can go to Him in the merit of His Son, claiming His promises, and He will not let you down. God will help you, and you will find the way of deliverance.” A.W. Tozer
Sit down with the Wonderful Counselor, express to him what you need, and He will not rebuke you, He won’t be disappointed in you, He won’t disapprove of you. He will give you what you need.
We often want the quick fix to feel better but we don’t want the process to get better. Sometimes to get better we have to deal with the choices and patterns that get us into the mess.
Our hope is in the Wonderful Counselor and we can find everything we need in Him if we are willing to be honest with Him and with our need of Him, if we desire to do whatever we need to do to get where He wants us to be, and if we will listen to Him and obey Him.
What’s wonderful about the wonderful counselor and our hope being anchored in him, is that we realize that even in our problems his presence is with us.
Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:
What do you typically find yourself putting your hope in?
When you think of a counselor, what thoughts come to mind? Would you feel comfortable going to a counselor? Do you go to a counselor? If so, how does it help you?
How does seeing Jesus as a wonderful counselor, and knowing that we have him as that in our life through His Holy Spirit, encourage you?
Click the image to start a new 7 day devotion in YouVersion:
We sometimes think of the Holy Spirit as a “lesser” part of the Trinity. In truth, the Holy Spirit is a living person with a mind, a will, and emotions. Each name that He has been given—Helper, Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor, Counselor, Strengthener, and Standby—reveals another aspect of His beautiful character. For the next seven days, we will explore the wonder of this constant companion—Jesus in us.