A New Covenant Week 2

Sharable notes for the October 28, 2018 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

New Covenant.PNG

Scriptures used: Matthew 5:43-48; 2 Corinthians 5:9; John 13:34; Matthew 5:1-12; Ephesians 4:31-32; Ephesians 5:1-5; Philippians 2:3-5

  • MLK – “In contrast to ethical relativism, Christianity sets forth a system of absolute values. We need to recapture the gospel glow of early Christians who were non-conformists…”

  • The gospel changed the world in the day of the early church, and it is still changing the world today with the revolutionary love of God.

  • Loving God and loving our neighbor will cause us to hunger and thirst to do right.

  • God’s love is not an ordinary love but an extraordinary love.

  • We read God’s word for revelation so that we can live a life of transformation.

  • If we are going to see revival, renewal, and reformation take place in our broken and troubled world, then the world needs to see the gospel lived out in our lives.

Click the image to start a new 5 day devotion in YouVersion:

In this five-day plan, Bob Goff addresses what it truly means to love one another, especially when it is difficult. He describes how this love will look when it is put into action, as well as the long-term effect that such love can have on the world.

In this five-day plan, Bob Goff addresses what it truly means to love one another, especially when it is difficult. He describes how this love will look when it is put into action, as well as the long-term effect that such love can have on the world.
