Open Doors Week 2

Sharable notes for the September 20, 2015 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! (Each point is less than 140 characters!)

  • Open doors are provided by God. They exist for us to work with God & to act for God. View everyday as an opportunity. 
  • What am I not doing that I could be doing? What open door am I missing? 
  • An open door mindset doesn't look at where you are, it's look at Christ and where He's taking you. 
  • Go through open doors in God's strength, not your own. 
  • If you hesitate when you see God's open door, you're not alone. Many in the Bible weren't ready when they saw the door open. 
  • We limit what God can do in us when we focus on our own limitations.
  • We don't go through open doors because we know we're perfect, but because we serve a perfect God. 
  • We don't go through open doors because we're completely ready, but because we serve a God who will provide. 
  • The open door is always a call to go from and a call to go to. There must be a willingness to leave and a willingness to go.

See the live event from "Open Doors" in Youversion Live for all scriptures referenced & to add to the notes.
