Open Doors Week 6

Sharable notes for the October 25, 2015 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! (Each point is less than 140 characters!)

  • God's purpose is to always work in us to become more like Christ. 
  • We will never see open doors if we aren't moving or doing anything. 
  • Our choices today have impact on our future tomorrow.
  • Let your faith guide your choices and know that prayer is our path to God. 
  • Don't seek the counterfeit when it comes to spirituality. Only seek Jesus and His word. 
  • Seeking God shouldn't only occur when we want to be rescued by God. 
  • Being able to choose is a great freedom. We should desire to please God with our choices. 
  • Living wisely helps us to live life well. 
  • Life shouldn't be led by momentary passion. 
  • If our biggest problems deal with our self then our focus is very small. 
  • What problem around me is worthy of my best energy?

See the live event from "Open Doors" in Youversion Live for all scriptures referenced & to add to the notes.
