Sharable notes for the March 6, 2016 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! (Each point is less than 140 characters!)
- Throughout the Bible we see a God who is pursuing humanity.
- God pursues us to give us the life we were meant to live, a life to display His love and grace.
- God is jealous for us. His pursuit is like a bridegroom pursuing his bride.
- No matter what we do, how sinful we are, God pursues us, romances us, stakes us out in radical grace.
- We believe the only way we can be loved is if we're not fully known. Truth is God fully knows us and still loves us. He still pursues us.
- Jesus changed the symbol of the cross from being one of a human empire's power into one of the pursuing love of God.
- Jesus' love was not only as strong as death and his jealousy as unyielding as the grave. It conquered death and the grave.