Shape Up Week 3
Sharable notes for the January 22, 2023 message. You can post these notes on your social platform!
Scriptures used: Psalms 145; Luke 24:44-45; Psalms 29:2; Romans 1:21-23; John 4:23; Zephaniah 3:17; Deuteronomy 31:19; Colossians 3:16; Ephesians 5:18-20
Passages referenced: Matthew 21:16; Psalm 8:2; Luke 19:40
We all worship something or someone. We either worship the created or we worship the creator. Only one of those though will sustain us and bring us life.
Worship is an expression of our love.
Worshiping in song helps you call to mind truths about God when you need them the most. It embeds truths about God in your mind.
The writers of the Psalms reflect a patter worth following - emotional honesty about their pain but the intellectual humility to accept that God has purposes we can’t always understand.
As you praise God corporately, you build one another up individually and grow together in unity.
When we express the truth of God outwardly in song and through worship, we are affected inwardly in our emotions.
The cross will always show that God takes the malicious acts of a cruel world and uses them for good.
We are created to worship, and we will only be fulfilled when that worship is centered on the creator.
The cross will always be our greatest reason for worship - to express our love for God who expressed His love for us.
Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:
How do you define worship? When you think of worship what does that look like to you?
If worship is defined as an expression of love, who or what would you say receives a majority of your worship?
Do you enjoy songs of worship? Why or why not? Do you participate in singing songs of worship at church? Why or why not?
What is your favorite way to worship God?
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From the Jesus Movement to the modern worship movement, Christian music has been a part of the church’s story for 50 years. What can we learn from the way God used artists’ creativity to preach the gospel? Walk with us to look at music, creativity, and the way God has wired us for worship. Based on “The Jesus Music” film and book by The Erwin Brothers and Marshall Terrill.