The Path of Transformation Week 1

Sharable notes for the January 7, 2018 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

the path of transformation.png
  • Many times the greatest place of transformation in our spiritual life comes when we face a trial or tension. It's from there that we are led to a place of triumph and transformation.
  • No matter what we face in life we must always default to hope.
  • Faithfulness in the small moments prepare us for the monumental.
  • David’s strength and courage was formed in his moments alone with God.
  • David rose up in faith not because he thought highly of himself, but because He knew God and he knew God was able.

Click the image to start a new 7 day devotion in YouVersion:

New Year. A New Day. God created these transitions to remind us that He is the God of New Beginnings. If God can speak the world into existence, He can certainly speak into the darkness of your life, creating for you a new beginning. Don’t you just …

New Year. A New Day. God created these transitions to remind us that He is the God of New Beginnings. If God can speak the world into existence, He can certainly speak into the darkness of your life, creating for you a new beginning. Don’t you just love fresh starts!
