What's In It For Me?
Sharable notes for the March 12, 2017 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! (Each point is less than 140 characters!)
- The pursuit of preferential pleasure may result in momentary satisfaction but never fulfillment.
- The worship of "idols" is ultimately about the worship of ourselves.
- George Barna, “We are a designer society. We want everything customized to fit personal needs-clothing, food, education. Now it’s religion.”
- Consumer Christianity turns church and faith into a commodity.
- “I want to see people committed to live for a great biblical cause, not a great earthly comfort." John Piper
- It’s hard to be a disciple of Jesus when we view Him and His church no differently than a service rendered.
- We need to change our thought from what's in it for me to what does God desire of me?
- Life is meant to be about something bigger than myself.
- The church is not just a place we go, but a body we’re a part of and the bride of Christ.
- Church and our faith is more than a recreational event, it is a life we live.
- Jesus is more than Savior, He is also to be Lord of our life.
- God created us to be contributors, not consumers.