When Faith Feels Like it Failed - Week 3
Sharable notes for the June 21, 2020 message. You can post these notes on your social platform!
Scriptures used: 1 Kings 19:1-18; Psalm 46:10; 1 Corinthians 15:58; Revelation 21:3
Our faith cannot be in a moment. If so we won't be able to stand when the test comes. Our faith must be in the God who provided the moment.
Don't allow the loudness of what’s going on in your life to outweigh the goodness of God.
God can take a moment of rest and breathe new life into you.
Sometimes God works in ways that are easy to see. Sometimes he communicates in the silence.
God’s voice in our life doesn’t always come the way we expect, but that doesn’t mean He’s not speaking. Just because God’s not working the way you expect doesn’t mean God’s not working.
Our faith will often feel let down not because of a limited God, but because of a limited view of God and a limited trust in how He works.
If God feels silent, maybe He's not, maybe we're just too loud to hear Him.
On the other side of every cross we take up is the miracle of the resurrection. There is no wasted act of faithfulness.
We need people in our life who will not ignore our privacy when they know we need someone.
Jesus walked the earth with us, gave His life for us, and when He ascended He didn’t leave us alone - the Holy Spirit He sent us.
Reflect or meet with someone to discuss:
When have you felt like God wasn't there? How did you get through those moments or have you?
Do you think you've ever put your faith more in a moment than you have in the God who provided the moment? What happened?
Have you given someone permission to ignore your privacy when your privacy needs to be ignored, when something is hurting you, possibly destroying you?
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