Who May Enter

Sharable notes for the February 7, 2016 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! (Each point is less than 140 characters!) 

  • The call to be holy as God is Holy is a call to follow a divine standard, to morally conform to God's character.
  • James MacDonald, “Holiness is character before it is ever conduct. It is the very nature of God reproduced in the heart of man.”
  • God’s longing for us to be holy is driven by His longing to restore us into His likeness.
  • Where the law could not do anything for our sin other than reveal it, Jesus came with grace and truth to reveal and deliver.
  • The call to be holy as God is holy is a gracious invitation.
  • We often resign ourselves to the presence of sin and weakness rather than feel wretched in our sin and turn to God.
  • If we’re honest, we’re better at abiding in our sin than we are at abiding in Christ.
  • We cannot impact society with something that has not yet impacted us.
  • The call to be holy as God is holy is a call we must take responsibility for but don’t have to live out alone.
  • Charles Stanley, “God takes full responsibility for a life wholly devoted to Him.”