Why We Believe - Week 2

Sharable notes for the March 26, 2017 message. You can post these notes on your social platform! 

  • To recognize that there is meaning and purpose in life points to the truth that the Creator put that purpose in us.
  • When we try to create our own meaning we will end up empty and frustrated. 
  • To study the Bible is to go on a treasure hunt, discovering more and more the meaning of life. Why? Because the Bible reveals Jesus.
  • The Truth of the gospel, Jesus, sets us free to see the purpose of our lives - love God and love others. 
  • God can take what was meant to harm you and make you stronger, what was meant to make you doubt and reveal Himself through you.
  • Dissatisfaction is a proof that we are God’s creation, because deep within us we know something is missing.
  • Loving God makes the things in my life find their place and their purpose. 
  • Contentment is a learned behavior. https://www.bible.com/116/PHP.4.11-12
  • CS Lewis – “Creatures are not born with desires unless satisfaction for those desires exist.  A baby feels hunger: well there is such a thing as food.  A duckling wants to swim: well there is such a thing as water.  If I find in myself a desire no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.