Compelled By Love

Week 1

Christ's love compels us, challenges us and changes us. Compelling love calls us to no longer live for ourselves but for others. 

Week 2

God’s love is a searching love and a redeeming love. Jesus came to seek and to save. He’s still seeking those without Him through believers who are compelled by love. The invitation to experience the transforming love of Jesus is open to everyone.

Week 3

The church doesn't exist for good people to be together, stay out of trouble, and do good stuff. Those happen, but the goal is to share Jesus. The gospel is not self-help, trying harder, and making us a better person. The gospel is the cross of Christ compelling us.

Week 4

A heart that wants to experience Christ more, is a heart that wants to take action for Christ. There's a lot of messages being delivered in our culture that all become just noise. Let your actions of love make your message louder.

Week 5

God is still writing the message of our life. He desires to transform our past, present, and future in His love. The blood of Jesus washes the scroll of our life so that His story can be written in us for the world to see.
