Dark Side of Easter

What happens on Easter is what our faith hinges to - the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Several individuals were caught up in the dark side of things that led to that moment. How do we keep ourselves from allowing similar characteristics to exist in us that close the door on the light of the world?

March 20, 2022

Caiaphas was the High Priest at the time of Jesus’ crucifixion. Caiaphas was unwilling to let go when he needed to in order to see the promise of God right in front of him. What are we trying to hold onto that keeps us from embracing the fullness of Christ in our life?

March 27, 2022

When the end is different than the ending you wanted, what will your response be? When God doesn’t act in your life the way you were hoping he would act, what will your response be? Choose to trust instead of walking away.

April 10, 2022

God is not the negative things that happened to you. He is your strength in the middle of them.
