Jesus Said, I Am

January 28, 2018

It's important that we are biblically grounded in our understanding of Jesus. There's no need to define Him by our own parameters and preferences, creating Jesus in our image. He has perfectly defined Himself to us and when we understand who He is, then we can be transformed into His image.

February 11, 2018

To enter into most any place there is a door you must go through, or an entrance of some kind. Our eternity hinges on such a door, and that door has a name. 

February 18, 2018

The dark is a lonely place to be in, but Jesus has offered us a way to come out of the dark, and that's through Him. He is the light. 

March 4, 2018

A shepherd is someone sheep trust. He's someone that protects, cares for and watches over the sheep. He guides them and leads them where they need to be. Jesus said, "I am the good Shepherd." Find out what that means to us. 

March 11, 2018

When Jesus said I Am the resurrection and the life, it wasn't just prophetic, it was a promise.  

March 18, 2018

If we're not producing something we're not truly alive. It is possible though that what we produce isn't good. Jesus said "I Am the Vine" and if we "remain in Him we will produce much fruit, but apart from Him we can do nothing."

March 25, 2018

Jesus' entry into Jerusalem, a day celebrated as Palm Sunday, was a celebration of all that Jesus had done for people to bring healing, freedom and new life. We can have that same celebration today through Jesus. 

April 8, 2018

There's a theme that runs through the Bible, and that's one of newness. Through Jesus, God made all things new and makes our life new. 
